Bashar Al-Assad calls Trump "best foe" for being transparent about oil - It's Over 9000!

Bashar Al-Assad calls Trump "best foe" for being transparent about oil


Bashar Assad claimed that he appreciates President Trump because he’s a “transparent foe.”

During an interview with NBC, Assad called Trump the “best president,” despite not liking his policies.

“I’ll tell you he’s the best American president,” Assad said. “Why? Not because his policies are good, but because he’s the most transparent president.”

Assad accused other American presidents of hypocrisy for claiming to want peace while continuing wars in the Middle East.

“All American presidents commit crimes and end up taking the Nobel Prize and appear a defender of human rights and the ‘unique’ and ‘brilliant’ American or Western principles, but all they are is a group of criminals who only represent the interests of the American lobbies and large corporations in weapons, oil, and others,” Assad said.

Trump noted in his address about the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi that he wanted to protect American oil interests in the Middle East. Assad claimed all American presidents only care about oil, making Trump transparent.

“Trump speaks with transparency to say, ‘We want that oil,'” he said. “This is the reality of American politics since the Second World War at least.”

Assad added that there is nothing more Syria could want than a “transparent foe.”

Source: The Washington Post. 


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