Kurdish Official Calls for Stronger US Role in Syria After ISIS - It's Over 9000!

Kurdish Official Calls for Stronger US Role in Syria After ISIS


 The United States should continue stabilizing areas recently liberated from the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group in Syria and use its leverage to push for a political settlement in the war-torn country, a Syrian Kurdish official said to the Voice of America agency (VOA).

Sinam Mohamad, a political representative for the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a Kurdish-led military alliance, said now that the U.S. has helped defeat ISIS military, its Syria policy needs to reflect the new dynamics on the ground according to the VOA.

The U.S. “now should focus on mitigating tensions in the region and preventing new conflicts,” Mohamad told VOA.

Turkey opposes US support for the SDF and threatens to target areas of its control in northeastern Syria. Ankara considers the Kurdish-led "militia" to be an extension of the PKK terrorist group.


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