80 Palestinian children died in bombardment and siege of Yarmouk camp - It's Over 9000!

80 Palestinian children died in bombardment and siege of Yarmouk camp

Baladi News

The Working Group for the Palestinians in Syria revealed that it had documented the death of 80 Palestinian children in the bombing and siege of the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus during the years when the camp was shelled by the regime and its allies.
The organization pointed out that the real number may be even greater because it couldn't document the ages of all victims, due to tense conditions that often accompanied the bombing and clashes.
The statistics indicate that the number of victims in Yarmouk camp has reached 1411 victims, of which 201 died as due to malnutrition and lack of medical care which resulted by the siege on Yarmouk camp.
The Working Group for the Palestinians in Syria  has already issued statistics on the death of 3,920 Palestinian refugees in Syria in eight years as a result of the regime and ISIS arrests, killings and displacement.

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