Russia Blames the US for a Possible Re-Emergence of Daesh in East Euphrates - It's Over 9000!

Russia Blames the US for a Possible Re-Emergence of Daesh in East Euphrates

Baladi - War Monitors

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned of the re-emergence of Daesh on the eastern bank of Euphrates as a result of the United States’ collusion with the terrorists there.

Speaking in a press conference held on Wednesday, Zakharova said that the US is keeping quiet about several thousands of the terrorists detained in Syria, which Washington seeks to shield from responsibility.

The Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman said that “in the light of President Donald Trump’s announcement of the forthcoming withdrawal of his country’s troops from Syria, there are high risks of a Caliphate’s re-emergence on the eastern bank of Euphrates, similar to the scenario we saw after the withdrawal of the US contingent from Iraq in 2011 that led to the emergence of Daesh.”

“By refraining from criminal prosecution of these militants, the US administration in fact covers up their criminal activity,” she added.

Source: The Syrian Observer


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