Baladi News – (Mona Ali)
Riyad Hijab, coordinator of the High Negotiations Commission, stated "the opposition should take advantage of the course of the" security zones "to strengthen its presence on the ground in Syria,” clarifying that "the opposition should not reside in France, Turkey or any other country, whereas the Syrian people, but it should be present with the Syrian people and experience their sufferings as long as there is now a talk about safe areas This is a golden opportunity that the Syrian opposition should invest."
Hijab statement was made after a meeting with the French President, Mr. Emmanuel Macron in Paris two days ago.
In an interview with the London-based Al Hayat Newspaper, Hijab said that “the Syrian opposition is in its worst conditions as it is fragmented and not qualified to lead this phase.”
Emphasizing that there should be no alternate to Geneva’s course as well as the implementation of the Security Council’s resolution on Syria, Hijab clarified said. “I think that now there is a favorable opportunity and the opposition must unite its ranks and create one military-political-civil front that can replace the regime.”
The experience of working inside Syria has always been a popular demand that has not been answered by the opposition that has performed its activities “in the exile.”
Khatib Badleh, member of the Syrian Coalition for the powers of the revolution and opposition, believes that Hijab suggestion is like a “dream”, and hopes that the coalition and the intern government will be able to achieve, expressing his support to Hujab’s idea.
Badleh considered that the “security zones” are in the best interests of the Syrian people, and called for working on the return of the largest number possible of refugees and Syrian displaced people to their cities and villages which they had been forced to leave.