Idlib.. 15 civilians killed by Assad and Russian warplanes - It's Over 9000!

Idlib.. 15 civilians killed by Assad and Russian warplanes


Fifteen civilians have been killed Saturday in Idlib, most of whom are women and children, as the Assad regime forces and Russia have expanded the targeted areas to reach the center of the province as well as the neighboring towns. 

In the center of Idlib's city, seven civilians were killed and more than 30 others were injured as a meg-23 of the Assad airforce targeted the residential areas near the stadium, Baladi News correspondent reported. 

The Civil Defense teams worked on pulling the dead and transferring the injured to the nearest medical points.

Meanwhile, a woman and three children who were displaced from the village of Heesh in Idlib's southern countryside were killed by an Assad meg-21 which targeted the public market in Binnesh city north of Idlib, according to Baladi correspondent. 

He added that four civilians were also killed, including a woman and a child, in a similar bombardment that targeted the village of al-Neirab in south Idlib.

In the same context, three civilians were injured as the Assad regime forces and their loyalist militias shelled Sarjeh town in south Idlib with more than 15 artillery and rocket shells, some of which were loaded with cluster bombs. 

This escalation by Assad regime forces and Russia coincides with talks about a ceasefire that states halting all the military operations in the fourth de-escalation area.

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