Idlib: Assad forces commit massacre in Areeha - It's Over 9000!

Idlib: Assad forces commit massacre in Areeha


Seven civilians were killed and dozens injured today, Sunday, in an airstrike that targeted Areeha city in the southern countryside of Idlib.

The Assad regime military aircraft, targeted with eight thermobaric missiles the residential districts in Areeha city, south Idlib, killing seven civilians and injuring about twenty others in an initial toll, according to the correspondent Baladi News in Idlib.

Baladi correspondent added that similar airstrikes with thermobaric missiles and barrel bombs also hit the cities of Saraqeb and Maarat Al-Numan", and the towns of Al-Ghadifa, Masaran, Maar Shurin and Tal Menas, as well as the villages of "Hantotin and Deir Sonbel" in the southern countryside of Idlib province.

It's noteworthy that the past few days witnessed relative calm in the area where the shelling wasn't intensified due to the bad weather.

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