251 SNA killed fighting Kurdish militias in Syria - It's Over 9000!

251 SNA killed fighting Kurdish militias in Syria


At least 251 soldiers of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) have been killed in attacks by YPG militiamen since the launch of Turkey’s anti-terror operation in northern Syria some two months ago.

According to SNA commanders in the field, a total of 760 SNA soldiers were also wounded and one soldier went missing during Operation Peace Spring, launched on Oct. 9.

Turkish-backed SNA soldiers have been thwarting attacks by the YPG, especially east of the town of Ras al-Ayn, Syria, recently liberated from them.

The YPG militants continue their attacks despite Turkey’s deals with the US and Russia for the withdrawal of the group from northeastern Syria.

SNA soldiers continue search and recon in the region, destroying improvised explosives seized from terrorists, and have been holding the front lines, which were cleared of terrorists.

Turkey on Oct. 9 launched Operation Peace Spring to eliminate YPG militants from northern Syria east of the Euphrates River in order to secure Turkey’s borders.

Source: Orient Net, based on AA report. 

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