SDF Commander Warns from ‘Demographic Change’ East of Euphrates - It's Over 9000!

SDF Commander Warns from ‘Demographic Change’ East of Euphrates


The Syrian Democratic Forces' Commander Mazloum Abdi has rejected what he called “the policies of demographic change in northeast Syria.”

His comment came as an SDF statement said the latest Turkish military operations had displaced 30,000 civilians from their areas of origin east of the Euphrates River.

“An area of 1,100 square kilometers was occupied, including 56 villages and farms in the north of Ain Issa, east of Kobani, east of Ras al-Ain and Tal Tamer’s northwest,” Abdi tweeted.

In another tweet, Abdi said that the SDF has complied with all the obligations of the ceasefire agreement, with the aim of protecting its people from killing and displacement.

"Our successful counterterrorism program and joint operations have been resumed to ensure the defeat of ISIS and we are now protecting oil fields with US forces," he said.

SDF forces confirmed pulling out their fighters from a 32-kilometer- deep zone along the Turkish border.

Abdi demanded the US-led Coalition, Russia and the US to fulfill their commitments and prevent demographic change in Serekaniye and Tel Abyad, to implement the deal brokered by American officials and ensure that people return to their land without being subjected to atrocities and abduction.

Source: Asharq Al-Awsat.

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