SDF to negotiates with Assad regime - It's Over 9000!

SDF to negotiates with Assad regime


The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has called on Damascus for a peaceful dialogue between the local Kurdish administration and the Syrian "government" in hopes of resolving the Kurdish question in the country, a Kurdish news website reported. 

During its first annual conference in the northeastern city of Hasaka, the SDF called on the Syrian regime to recognize the Kurdish self-admiration in Syria and the rights of the Kurdish people.

"We call on Damascus to negotiate with representatives of the self-administration and the SDF and to prioritize a political solution, recognizing the self-administration and the rights of the Kurdish people in Syria," SDF Commander in Chief Mazlum Abdi said in a statement, as cited by Kurdistan 24.

He further pointed out that the conference would be a basis for establishing a military force in order to ensure a secured united nation.

Source: Basnews.

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