Deir Al-Asafir Massacre the greatest violation of "cessation of hostilities " - It's Over 9000!

Deir Al-Asafir Massacre the greatest violation of "cessation of hostilities "

Updates, Baladi News
Syrian Network for Human Rights said in a report published on Saturday that "The air strikes by regime forces on the town of Deir Al-Asafir in the countryside of Damascus is one of the greatest violations of cessation of hostilities.
The network explained in its report that, at the end of March, the regime warplanes launched at least 14 raids within four hours on different areas of Deir Al-Asafir town, which led to the death of 31 civilians, including 12 children and nine women.

Regime warplanes targeted the Big Mosque in Deir-Al-Asafir with two rockets and two more rockets on the medical center, civil defense center, the school, Al-Filestinia street, and the western neighborhood, the report added.
The network stressed that all areas targeted by Assad's warplanes, whether during the air strikes or even before that, are civilian areas with no existence of any military center or any arsenal of weapons and ammunition for the Syrian opposition.

The network confirmed in its report that Assad's regime violated UN Security Council Resolutions number 2139 and 2254, as well as the "cessation of hostilities" agreement and many provisions of International law.
It also noted that the air strikes targeted unarmed people, which means that the regime violated international human rights law by targeting civilians, residential areas, and locations protected under international law.

It is noteworthy that the Syrian Network for Human Rights has documented 21 massacres against civilians in March, 11 which are committed by regime forces along with at least 517 cases of arbitrary arrests, 99% of them were also committed by Assad's forces.

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