After Destroying Palmyra and Al-Qaryatayn…..where are Assad and Russia heading? - It's Over 9000!

After Destroying Palmyra and Al-Qaryatayn…..where are Assad and Russia heading?

Saleh Al-Dehek, Baladi News, Homs

Assad's regime forces have achieved a long-awaited victory on both political and media levels after seizing control over the city of Palmyra with the support of the Russian ally. Regime forces portrayed themselves as the only capable force of fighting "Terrorism" and protecting the heritage of humanity.

Assad's continued battles in the Eastern countryside of Homs, that led to their control on Al-Qaryatayn village, aim at establishing defensive front-lines to protect a the big incubator of pro-regime civilians in the cities of Sadad and Mahin, according to military analysts.

The regime has also prompted its progress in the Eastern countryside of Homs on the economic level. An official statement said that controlling the cities of Palmyra and Al-Qaryatayn provides important support lines of oil and gas, and cuts ISIS support between the Syrian desert and Al-Qalamoun.

After what it has gained, Assad's regime managed to secure a strategic corridor between Damascus, Homs and Aleppo, and keep its forces away from any major military risks, while ISIS is still dominating the towns of Al-Suwwanah, Khoneifies,  Al-Sukhnah, and Al-Mehseh farms.

Activist Abdul Karim Ali told Baladi news that regime forces and their convoys seem to be heading towards Al-Suwwanah and Khoneifies after Al-Qalamoun in excavation for mines rich in phosphates in Khoneifies, which is considered an important source for the regime collapsing economy, setting aside at the same time any land attack by Assad's forces and militias on Al-Sukhnah  town due to its topography, as it's an exposed region which makes it hard to fight there, plus ISIS will fight desperately to defend the area as it's one of the most important gates into Al-Raqqa governorate, the largest stronghold for ISIS in Syria, according to the activist.

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