Activists accuse Syrian regime forces of killing two elderly after TV interview - It's Over 9000!

Activists accuse Syrian regime forces of killing two elderly after TV interview

Tamer Khaled
According to local sources in the city of Palmyra , the Syrian government forces have killed an elderly couple after a television interview with them , which took place after the Syrian forces recapture of the ancient oasis city of Palmyra from Islamic State, at the end of last March .
Meanwhile, “The Coordination of Palmyra’s Revolution” has revealed on its Facebook page that the bodies of both Salam Mohammed Khatib (female) and Amin Mohamed Khatib ( male) were found decomposed- ten days after an interview with them , which was conducted by the Syrian National TV.

In the interview , a group of military soldiers in addition to the Syrian television reporter , can be seen talking to the elderly couple , giving them some food aid , amid bizarre manifestations of support for Assad.

The video which has undergone numerous montage editing , shows the old woman " Salam" cheering for Bashar al Assad and the Syrian army whenever asked by the reporter , saying : "God protects Bashar Al Assad ".

Activists from the city of Palmyra have launched a campaign to highlight the suffering of more than one hundred thousand civilians , who fled the city due to the severe clashes between the Syrian regime and ISIS.

And according to a statement issued by the coordination , 30 thousand residents of the city fled to Raqqa city, 25 thousand headed to Idlib and its countryside , while 25 thousand have sought refuge in the Turkish camps , 10 thousand went to the countryside of Deir al-Zour, 10 thousand are in regime-held areas , 5 thousand in the countryside of Aleppo, and 5 thousand in Alrkabban camp at the Jordanian borders.

The statement emphasized that the displaced people suffer from extremely difficult circumstances , amid lack of any necessities of life, it also appealed to the revolutionary bodies , humanitarian and relief organizations to extend their efforts in helping the displaced residents of the city.

The Syrian government forces took control of the desert city, with the support of Shiite militias from Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan , and was backed by the Russian air force.

The Islamic State " ISIS" dominated the city mid-April of last year and executed dozens of regime soldiers as well as civilians, accusing them of collaboration with the Syrian regime, in addition to destroying the ancient temples of Bel, Baal Shamin and the Arch of Triumph, and other archaeological cemeteries.

The city of Palmyra or "Tadmur" is one of the most important ancient cities in Syria, and during the Syrian war- it has been exposed to destruction by the warring parties due to the constant bombing and battles as well as theft and excavations operations.


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