Truth is our goal - It's Over 9000!

Truth is our goal


Five years of war in the country, made Syria the worst tragedy since World War II , for no place on earth has witnessed the same level of crimes and brutality.

A devastating war that has raged in almost every corner of Syria, claiming more than half million of lives and creating even greater numbers of refugees, more than one million of injuries , in addition to the 300 thousands detainees in Assad's prisons , whose fate is unknown , not to mention destroying the infrastructure , buildings, and historical places to what used to be called the "cradle of civilization".

Truth first and last:

Yes, when we rise every day in the morning and listen to the radio or read the newspaper, we are confronted with the same sad news: violence, crime, wars, and disasters, and people around the world are sick of listening to such sad stories , yet , truth has to be out there, because compassion is the pillar of world peace.

We believe that every human has the right to know the truth, to be aware of everything happening around the globe, especially in Syria, where violence and chaos have prevented foreign journalists from covering the reality of the situation here.

What is really going on in Syria ? is a question that really hasn't been answered so far, despite all the news, headlines, opinion and analysis, what Syrian civilians go through every single day is so traumatic that no news agency has ever been able to reveal it .

Therefore , we have a very powerful role in raising awareness and show the real picture , because truth not only provides information, but also helps shape public opinions and perceptions.

Our commitment is toward our people and their rights , we will be their voice, to tell their stories and suffering in many languages , today we star with the English language, then step by step, we will add more languages, and speak to all nations of earth in their own languages.

Our mission is to be the mirror of the Syrian people , expressing their fears, tragedies , hopes , and aspirations.

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