Al Jazeera Tribes : No to federalism, Syria for all - It's Over 9000!

Al Jazeera Tribes : No to federalism, Syria for all

Kinan sultan

The Arab, Turkmen, Chechen gathering in the Syrian eastern part, has issued a statement, confirming the rejection of the federal assembly, announced by the Democratic Union Party "PYD" in the north-eastern part of Syria (known as "Al Jazeera") .

According to the statement, "In view of what the media has reported of the declaration of the Democratic Union Party establishing Federalism on the territory of the Syrian eastern part; we as the gathering of Arab, Turkmen, Chechen tribes in the eastern part of Syria totally reject and condemn these labels and this Federalism".

The tribes' gathering reiterated that "Syria is for all and no group, category, sect, clan, or party is entitled to decide the destiny of Future Syria. They stressed the fact that only Syrians has the right to decide".

According to some jurists, the Democratic Union Party announced Federalism in the areas under his control in the north-eastern part of Syria, without being based on any legal or political legitimacy, especially that the announcement was made unilaterally, which was denounced by all Syrians.

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