Syrian dictator Assad, wife living life of luxury while country in tatters _Fox News - It's Over 9000!

Syrian dictator Assad, wife living life of luxury while country in tatters _Fox News

The Fox News published a report talks about Asma al_Assad who enjoys with her despot husband a lavish lifestyle while children are gassed to death on the streets of Syria.

The report says that the Syrian tyrant and his spouse Asma al-Assad own an opulent palace estimated to be worth $1 billion in Damascus — less than 10 miles from Eastern Ghouta where innocent people are being massacred by pro-government forces.

The Fox News mentioned that in 2012, Wikileaks published private emails from the 42-year-old Brit showing she had splashed out $350,000 on 130 pieces of furniture when the bloody civil war had been raging for one year, she also bought a pair of $7,000 shoes with crystal-encrusted heels and had the goods shipped to Dubai, to get around sanctions.

The evil regime is determined to continue to try and paint Asma as the “rose in the desert” despite her husband carrying out 28 chemical weapon attacks since the civil war started in 2011.


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