Theresa May’s plan to bomb Syria just hit some serious turbulence _ The Canary - It's Over 9000!

Theresa May’s plan to bomb Syria just hit some serious turbulence _ The Canary

The Canary newspaper published a survey by YouGov that was released on 12 April, and which shows that almost two to one, British people oppose bombing Syria

The survey

Dozens of people reportedly died after an alleged chemical weapon attack on the Syrian city of Douma. 43% of people oppose airstrikes on the Syrian military in response, while under a quarter (22%) support the action. 34% don’t know. 

But that doesn’t mean people think the Syrian government wasn’t responsible. 61% believe “there probably was an attack carried out using chemical weapons by Syrian government forces or their allies”. Only 5% adhere to the Russian version of events that there probably wasn’t a chemical attack and the claims are “fabrications”. 29% selected “don’t know” and 5% chose “something else happened”.

Military action

On 12 April, Theresa May is holding an emergency cabinet meeting. She has warned that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will be “held to account” if his culpability was confirmed.

The Canary signaled that under British law, the prime minister doesn't need to put bombing Syria to a Commons vote. Although that has become customary since Tony Blair asked MPs for approval before the Iraq war. And May is under pressure to do the same.

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